Check signature params for proper documentation

Supports reStructuredText (Sphinx), NumPy, and Google

docsig a tool for ensuring signature parameters are correctly documented.

There is no one standard for how docstring parameters should be documented, and so with docsig, you can lay down a policy and stick to it, resulting in more accurate documentation.

Documenting your parameters is important, but very easy to neglect, especially when parameters belonging to a function or method change frequently.

docsig will help you keep your docstrings up-to-date and informative


To begin using docsig simply install it from PyPI with pip

$ pip install docsig


docsig can be used as a pre-commit hook

It can be added to your .pre-commit-config.yaml as follows:

  - repo:
    rev: v0.53.3
      - id: docsig
          - "--check-class"
          - "--check-dunders"
          - "--check-overridden"
          - "--check-protected"